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Set A Pattern started as an in-home high-school bible study. We were burning for the Lord and He was doing miraculous things weekly in our group.  In awe, we began to wonder, "Why doesn't everyone experience Jesus like this?"


With that question, the Lord challenged our hearts and after he delivered a vision of the future to our founder, Ashley Crismon, we started evangelizing.


We did our first outreach event in January of 2019, and haven't looked back since. 


Set A Pattern is a young-adult evangelism ministry that seeks to combine peer-to-peer evangelism with local church discipleship, in order to create a generation of Christ-followers in communities everywhere.


We want to see GenZ encounter God, be equipped as a disciple, and engage their community with the Gospel! 



Our goal as a ministry is to share the Gospel with GenZ. We are passionate about being the Body of Christ outside of any church building. 


We know GenZ is the most atheist generation in history, and that only 5% of GenZ attends church. This comes from church hurt and rejection, and spiritual orphanhood. Set A Pattern is a ministry on a mission to see our generation healed from these wounds, and free in the love that Jesus offers us. 


We establish college campus ministry chapters that invite GenZ students to encounter Jesus Christ as their Savior, Healer, King, and Friend. Weekly or Biweekly meetings occur where students gather together to read the bible, pray, and go onto their campus and evangelize. 


We want to share the Gospel in its entirety. We believe that Jesus came, lived a perfect and sinless life. He died the death each of us deserves and was resurrected. Because of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection, we have the opportunity to repent, and enter into right relationship with God the Father.   


We want anyone who comes to faith through our campus chapters to have an avenue for discipleship. We believe that the role of the evangelist is to partner with the local church and bring sheep into the fold. Local church recommendations are made to each new believer. 


Most of all, we want to share the love of Christ through our actions. We desire to work with excellence, to bring honor to our King Jesus. We want everyone to have a seat at our table.

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